
Is Your Dog Or Puppy… (pick the relevant problem)

Jumping up ~ stealing food ~ destroying property ~ running away ~ pulling on leash ~ barking all the time ~ chasing cars or animals ~ hyperactive ~ going potty in the house despite being house-trained ~ marking inside and out ~ generally behaving in unruly ways?

Good news! Help is just a phone call away.

We use dog-friendly methods based on canine behavioral science for proven results and happy pooches. Let us help you with dog behavior problems or basic manners training for your dog or puppy. We can train your dog at our facility in Jefferson, NY, or we can come to you if you’re nearby.

What You Get…

  • A polite, attentive dog you can take anywhere.
  • A friendly, well-mannered puppy that loves to learn.

How We Work

Private Lessons. One-on-one training lessons tailored to your training goals. You and your dog come here—or we can come to you if you’re local.

Board & Train. Take advantage of your next trip to improve your dog’s manners. Combine our exclusive, home-style boarding service with our professional dog training services. Learn more about board & train.

Get Help With

Basic dog training: Sit, down, stay, come, leave it, drop it, wait, emergency recall, and more.
Polite dog manners: Loose-leash walking, respectful greetings, no counter surfing, no begging at the table, etc.
Puppy manners: House training, how to deal with chewing and nipping, puppy proofing your home, and socialization to ensure your puppy grows up friendly and well-adjusted.
Behavior problems (private lessons only): Separation anxiety, sound phobias, fear of strangers or other dogs, aggression towards strangers, family members, or other animals.

Our Clients Say

I highly recommend Karen!”

Beverly Travis,
BoBev’s Leonbergers, Andes, NY
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Our Clients Say

Karen’s training has produced a dramatic change in behavior for the better in our three-year-old German Shepherd, Juno.”

Tim and Laura Miller,
Oneonta, NY
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