

Wouldn’t board with anyone else…
“Karen is professional at all times, on time for pickups in New York (yes, she picks up and delivers), and her fees are very reasonable. Our family trusts Karen and Maggie completely with Wrigley. Not only do we know she’s safe when we’re traveling, we know she’s having the time of her life! Wrigley is a very athletic dog and Karen makes sure she gets the right amount of exercise. She always returns home happy and tired. An added bonus is that Karen emails photos of her running, jumping, swimming in the pond, sniffing, playing with the other dogs, and having a marvelous time. We wouldn’t board with anyone else!” –Ann-Marie Myers, Manhattan, NY

Consider it a vacation for my dog…
“Our dog Bess loves Karen and Town & Country Canine! She is so excited to see Karen and to go away with her that I consider it a wonderful vacation for her. I never have a moment of guilt or worry when Bess is with Karen—I actually feel sort of guilty about coming home and having her come back to our apartment. I would recommend Town & Country and Karen Miller to anyone who loves their dog and wants the dog to have a home away from home while they are traveling.” –Barry Gurin, Manhattan, NY


I would not have Ginger go anywhere else…
“Karen has been watching my 7-year-old lab, Ginger, since she was a puppy. As much as I hate to see Ginger leave when I travel for business or vacation, I feel so reassured knowing she’ll go on her own vacation to Town & Country Canine. Ginger loves playing at Karen’s and swimming in the puppy pond. Karen keeps a watchful eye on her and is keen to understand Ginger’s own personality. Karen gives so much love and attention to Ginger and all of her dogs you would think they were all her own. I would not have Ginger go anywhere else (nor would Ginger want to go anywhere else).” –Charles May III, Manhattan, NY


I have complete peace of mind…
“My sweet Maxine loves her time spent at Town & Country Canine. Although she is a rough-and-tumble little Scottie, she seems to hold her own with all the big guys. In fact it often looks like she’s running the show. I know this because while I’m traveling Karen sends me pictures (demonstrating how Maxine surely isn’t missing her mom!). Sending Maxine to stay in the country is a fabulous thing for both of us. She gets to run, swim, chase, and play in a beautiful place and I have complete peace of mind that she’s well looked after. I would recommend Town & Country to everyone!” –Julie Bauer, Manhattan, NY


We couldn’t be happier with the service…
“Family vacations used to mean that last-minute dread: What are we going to do with Robey? Now, Robey gets his vacation time, too. Karen makes it very easy with clear and prompt correspondence, and of course she provides a ton of fun for Robey. We say that Robey goes away to camp at Karen’s, and we know he’s kept busy not only from the photos Karen emails us during our vacations, but because Robey always sleeps for about a week straight after camps ends. We couldn’t be happier with the service and peace of mind that Karen provides.” –Peter Scher, Haworth, NJ



Can take Ava anywhere now…
“Ava was a handful from day one. I’d never had a puppy who was so defiant and headstrong. She just wouldn’t listen. I enrolled her in Karen’s class, more for me than for Ava. What a difference just after a couple classes. I had never heard of clicker training, but it works so much better than using a choke collar, which was used in an obedience class I took several years ago. Ava now can do sits, stays, down, and I even taught her to roll over. Most importantly, she will come to me in an emergency. Learning the emergency recall was fantastic. Ava picked that up immediately.

I’m confident now that I can take Ava anywhere and if I need to use my mayday word, she will come to me in a heartbeat. Learning the emergency recall was worth the price of the class in itself. All the exercises we learned in class can be used in everyday situations. I can’t thank Karen enough for helping me with my wild child!” –Vicki Tuttle, Grand Gorge, NY


Dramatic change in behavior …
“Karen’s training has produced a dramatic change in behavior for the better in our three-year-old German Shepherd, Juno. With Karen’s help, training is now a fun and interactive experience that our dog really responds to. Karen’s knowledge and love of dogs comes through in her training techniques and we feel very lucky to be working with her.” –Tim and Laura Miller, Oneonta, NY


Highly recommend Karen…
I have known Karen for many years. We have taken classes with her, trusted her with our dogs for boarding, and have had her do temperament testing of our puppies. What I love about Karen is that she’s always learning, open to new ideas, and willing to share with her students and their dogs. Classes are always exciting and above all fun! I highly recommend her.” –Beverly Travis, BoBev’s Leonbergers, Andes, NY


I absolutely loved Karen’s class…
“Jesse and I thoroughly enjoyed Karen’s basic dog training class. The classes combine discussion, demonstration, wonderful resource information, and practical application of the concepts in exercises. Karen’s passion for humane and sound training of the dogs we love is so evident. She teaches with a positive, yet commonsense approach meant to be used in our daily lives. Karen keeps current on new information and techniques, and shares her learnings with her class participants. I absolutely loved the class and highly recommend it to anyone who wants to help his or her dog become well-behaved.” –Sheri Hull, Hamden, NY


Karen helps me train better…
“I have taken Karen’s classes periodically for many years now. Whether it’s my older Jack Russell or a newly rescued foster dog, Karen has the insight and patience to help me train better. Her ability to read the different dogs I bring to class has been priceless in helping my foster dogs get ready for adoption—and my own dogs to become more civilized. I recommend her wholeheartedly.” –Beth Adams, Col Potter Cairn Rescue Network and Candid Canine Photography, Hobart, NY
